Data Handling

Based on QCA 6B Spreadsheets rewritten by A Fisher

Learning Objectives:
  • select a cell
  • imput information
  • format a cell
    • font colour/background colour
    • alignment within a cell
    • text wrap
  • make basic calculations
    • add cells together in rows or columns
    • add random cells together
    • take away from a given number
    • times and divide
  • Use autosum
  • manual make calculations
Lesson 1
Use wizards apprentice to recap on basic skills needed to imput information onto a spreadsheet.

Lesson 2
Make a simple chart with name, age, eye colour, hair colour, hobbies, tv program and choose 5 friends to collect the information from. Follow the instructions to format cells, rows and columns to display the information in a certain way.

Lesson 3
Create a simple birthday part plan. You have a budget of £100.00, you can spend less than 100.00 but you can not go over this amount! Choose your items carefully providing an alsortment of drinks food and entertainment. You have 25 children coming so make sure you have enough of everything.

Plan a more exclusive themed party with a budget of £500.00. You will need to think about decorations in this activity. Finish for homework

Lesson 4
Using excel create a tables grid and use =SUM or auto format symbol to create the answers.

Think about:- Is there a shortcut. Can I do the calculations quicker, and how?